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风葡萄 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?欧洲萄葡 ... wind girder ==> 贮罐防风梁,防风梁 wind grape ==> 欧洲萄葡 wind guard ==> 挡风板 ...
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It also had all of the smells of rot, decay, and ferment: the great heaps of grape pulp and skin at the wineries sent a smell all through the town if there was a little wind stirring. 当然,那里也有腐烂、变质、发酵的气息:微风吹过,酿酒厂旁边的一堆堆果肉和果皮散发出的臭味便会飘满全镇。 - 2
On one day of late autumn, when the grape vine leaves were dried with a red color, it rained heavily, and there was a cold strong wind. 秋末的一天,当葡萄藤的叶子变成干枯的红色后,雨下得很大,还刮起了阴冷的强风。 - 3
In controlling soil wind erosion measures, the straw covered is superior to no straw covered in the area that plants grape, the maize straw covered is superior to the wheat straw covered. 在控制土壤风蚀措施上,葡萄种植区内秸秆覆盖优于无覆盖,玉米秸秆覆盖优于小麦秸秆覆盖。