n. 山药;洋芋;蕃薯(yam的复数)
n. [医]雅司病
... 成语简拼 :ynys 成语正音 :寿,不能读作“sòu”。 成语英文 :prolong life ...
Nine authorities including Ynys Mon, Merthyr Tydfil, and Pembrokeshire, will take part in the trial.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Free breakfast trial for pupils
Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland and MP for Ynys Mon Albert Owen are meeting minister Mark Simmonds.
BBC: Barbados rapes: MPs to meet minister over concerns
Ynys Mon AM Ieuan Wyn Jones said the extension was "crucial" to the island's economy.
BBC: Wylfa nuclear plant to operate for two more years