释义 |
1 ?屈服值 ... 屈服强度shear strength 屈服值yielding point 曲边三角学形curved line trangle ... 2 [力]?屈服点 弹性限度:形变的屈服点(Yielding point)。 实际上,细胞壁在膨压作用下的伸展既有弹 性延伸又有塑性延伸,是两种延伸的混合形式。 3 ?降伏点 Abstract: 应力分别称为降伏点(yielding point)与降伏应力(yielding stress),到 H 点. 时,应力又随著应变增加而增加,这种现象称为应变硬化(strain hardening) 的现象。 4 [电]?击穿点 ... yielding of supports 支座下沉;基础沉陷 yielding point 屈服点,击穿点 yield limit 屈服极限 ...
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On that day, the ten-year Treasury bond was yielding 4.83%, almost half a percentage point above its level at the beginning of December (see chart). 当日10年期国债的收益率达4.83%,比十二月初高了将近0.5个百分点。 - 2
As a result, floating point operations may result in rounding errors, yielding a result that is close to — but not equal to — the result you might expect. 因此,浮点运算可能导致舍入误差,产生的结果接近—但不等于—您可能希望的结果。 - 3
The distinguishing features of the paper are selection of oblique strip and loading transmission, negative yielding line in irregular slab with simple supports, point support and shear split of slab. 本文的主要特点为有料向板条的选取及荷载传递、简支不规则板的负弯矩裂缝线以及点支承板条和板的剪切劈裂问题。