释义 |
T空间 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?羊城同创汇 今天,黄花岗科技园合作园区——羊城同创汇开园仪式在东风东路733号羊城晚报大楼盛大举行羊城同创汇(Y?T space)是越秀2015-09-08 【流花?绽放】流花服装节,走进白马“梦工厂” 美丽不停,精彩继续今天,2015“广州白马服装采购节——走进梦工场...
- 1
The 2008 Pierre Huber Prize Nomination Exhibition will open at T SPACE in Beijing on 27th September 2008, and the list of the winners will be announced at the same time. 2008年皮埃尔·于贝尔奖提名展将于9月27日在北京梯空间开幕,并揭晓本年度获奖名单。 - 2
Readers are encouraged to refer to upcoming web services standards in this space: web services — Coordination (WS-C) and web services — Transaction (WS-T) from OASIS. 读者们可参考此空间中即将上传的Web服务标准:Web服务协作(WS - C)和OASISWeb服务事务(WS - T)。 - 3
Disgruntled neighbors circulated rumors, including one that the apartment building’s owners, Gerald and Janice Feagley, were receiving $25, 000 a month for renting installation space to T-Mobile. 不满的街坊们传递着小道消息,其中包括公寓楼的主人杰拉德和贾尼斯·菲亚格里通过出租安装空间给T-Mobile公司而一个月能收入两万五千美金租金。