Y You don't want to rename them L and R or X and Y right because you want to call them left and right.
计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课
At every instant, it's got a location given by the vector R; R itself is contained in a pair of numbers, x and y, and they vary with time.
在每一个瞬时,它的位置由位矢 R 给出,R 本身包含了一对坐标值 x 和 y,并且它们都随着时间的变化而变化
基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
If you are describing a particle with location R, the vector we use typically to locate a particle, R then R is just i times x + j times y, because you all know that's x and that's y.
如果你要描述一个位移为 R 的质点,这个矢量一般用表示质点 R 的位移,R 可表示为 i ? x + j ? y,显然你们都知道这段是 x,那段是 y