释义 |
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农业科学 监测 There are too much mixed pixels in Remote Sensing images, now. It is urgent for Xinjiang province and national cotton monitoring system to recognize cotton from mixed pixels and get cotton information from them. 针对目前遥感图像中存在大量混合像元的情况,如何从混合像元中识别与提取棉花是新疆乃至全国棉花遥感监测中亟待解决的问题。
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历史学 新疆建省 While Xinjiang was established as a province, it also realized the centre relocation of Xinjiang politics. 新疆建省的同时,实现了新疆政治中心的转移。 中国新疆 Chapter one outlines the early relationship of Britain and Xinjiang of China. 第一章论述了早期英国和中国新疆的关系。
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地球科学 景观格局 大龙口二叠系一三叠系界线剖面 新疆 大龙口二叠系—三叠系界线剖面
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生物学 新疆北部 The nest-site selection of White-crowned Penduline Tit Remiz coronatus in Northern Xinjiang wasstudied from April to July in 2008. 2008年4—7月,在新疆北部对白冠攀雀巢址选择进行了研究。
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