The deepness of a voice is not an accurate guide to whether someone is muscular or weedy.Instead, people rely on a subconscious, mysterious 'x-factor' in the voice to work out someone's physique.
If you are already running a X. 500 DAP service and you want to continue to do so, you can probably stop reading this guide.
如果你以及功能运行了一个X . 500 DAP服务并且你想继续这么干,可能你不用读这本指南了。
This article discusses these differences and gives you comparisons to guide you through your migration from Solaris running on 32-/64-bit SPARC architectures to Linux running on x-86 architecture.
本文对这些差异进行了讨论,并加以对比,从而能够对您从运行在 32/64 位 SPARC 体系架构上的 Solaris 迁移到运行在 x86 体系架构上的 Linux 提供一些帮助。