释义 |
1 ?由水孔 排水器由水孔(water pore)和通水组织(epithem)组成(图2-18)。水孔大多存在于叶片的边缘或顶端,它们是气孔的变形,保卫细胞失去了开闭运动的能力。 2 ?空隙水 空隙水 void water ; Water pore ; void water west bank ; interstital water 微空隙 microvoid ; micropore ; micro void ; micro pore . 3 ?泌水孔 ... 排水孔 hydathodal hair 水孔;泌水孔 hydathode;water pore 齿菌科;茅蕈科(菌蕈目) Hydnaceae ...
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The ability of water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability. 水或其他流体通过岩石中相互连通的孔隙空间的能力称为渗透率。 - 2
Porosity is important for water-storage capacity, but for water to flow through rocks, the pore spaces must be connected. 孔隙度对地层储水能力尤为重要,但要让水能够从岩石中流出,孔隙之间必须相互连通。 - 3
Water also can infiltrate the rock and significantly increase the rock's "pore pressure," which also can set off or hasten the arrival of a temblor. 水还可以渗透进入岩石显著增加岩石的“孔隙压力”,这也可能引发或加速地震的到来。