美国国防部:美国国防部(英语:United States Department of Defense,简称DOD或DoD)是美国联邦行政部门之一,主要负责统合国防与陆海空军(美军),其总部大楼位于五角大楼(The Pentagon),因此人们也常用五角大楼作为美国国防部的代称。国防部的行政首长是国防部长,依照美国法律由文官担任。美国国防部设有三个军事部门:陆军部、海军部与空军部,以及设有四个情报机构:国家安全局、国防情报局、国家地理空间情报局与国家侦察局,涵盖除海岸警卫队外的所有美国军事力量。除此之外,美国国防部亦设有若干国防幕僚与研究单位,同时管辖各军校。
... 肯尼亚国防学院 kenya national defence college 美国国防部 dod; u.s. department of defe e; united states department of defense 美国国防局 department of defense ...
The project is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, the advanced research wing of the UnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense.
FORBES: Uncle Sam Wants You To Design His Next Fighting Vehicle
The UnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense wants members of the public to unleash their inner Tony Stark and help design a new amphibious infantry vehicle.
FORBES: Uncle Sam Wants You To Design His Next Fighting Vehicle
Thus it is essential that the UnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense continue to fund as much research and development as possible, though swapping out nukes for fiber optics is almost certainly a better idea.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Peace through strength in a globalized world