释义 |
1 ?规定工资 ... 规定工作时数;规定工时 conditioned hours of work 规定工资 union wages 固定工时 fixed hours ...
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"I had that door painted only last week," Mr. Higginbotham half whined, half bullied; "and you know what union wages are." “那道门我是上个礼拜才油漆的呢,”希金波坦先生半是哀号,半是威胁,“工联规定的工钱有多高你是知道的。” - 2
Meanwhile, the growth of international competition forced American companies to cut costs to maintain profits, and they have hired workers abroad at non-union wages and closed U.S. factories. 国际竞争的提高还迫使美国公司降低成本,维持利润,并且雇用海外员工,关闭美国的工厂。 - 3
The economic collapse, when inflows of capital halt, can be very painful - even more so if a fixed exchange rate (or currency union) demands a period of falling nominal wages and prices. 当资本流入停滞的时候,经济崩溃可能是非常痛苦的——如果固定汇率(或货币联盟)要求名义工资和价格在一定时期内下降,情况就更加糟糕。