...组的指针11.4位域型(BitFields)11.4.1位域型的定义11.4.2位域型变量的说明和初始化11.4.3位域型变量的引用11.5 联合型 ( Unions )11.5.1 联合型 的定义11.5.2 联合型 变量的说明11.5.3 联合型 变量的引用11.6枚举型(Enumerations)11.6.1枚举型的定义11.6.2枚举...
由令指的是union,活接的意思,即阀门两端是采用活接头连接8.39由令(Unions)7出货地点 01-30 江阴易邦供应适应塑料扣板机械耐强溶剂耐磨返覆精磨的橡胶辊
... 油管钳 tubing tong 由壬 unions 油位 oil level ...
关税联盟 ; 关税同盟 ; 海关协会
信用合作社 ; 信用社 ; 信贷联盟 ; 储蓄互助会
The United States Supreme Court has cleared the way for independent spending by businesses and labor unions in political campaigns.
VOA : special.2010.01.22
I think maybe the same movement that created the Yale Cooperative Society in the late nineteenth century also spurred credit unions.
金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课
The credit unions are even smaller, $748 billion -so it's less than $1 trillion in credit unions.
Companies,labor unions and other organizations may now spend as they wish on independent efforts to elect or defeat candidates.
VOA : special.2010.03.05
Mother Jones believed that unions represented the best hope for coal miners and other workers to improve their lives.
VOA : special.2009.03.16