释义 |
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If the Earth was an apple, Gallo said, the water layer would be thinner than the fruit's skin. - 2
Oceans create a water layer spanning 15, 000 miles (24, 000 kilometers) across the planet at an average depth of more than 2 miles (3.2 km). 海洋在地球上创建了一个横跨15,000英里(24,000公里),平均深度超过2英里(3.2公里)的水层。 - 3
"A liquid water layer or pocket in contact with the rock, which is deep below Enceladus' surface, will acquire sodium from the rock - essentially leaching the rock," he says. “这些液体水深藏在土卫二的地壳内部中的岩石中,并逐渐通过过滤作用从岩石内部获得钠元素。”Lunine说。