释义 |
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We could not lightly draw water after dark, for there were snakes swimming in the pools or clustering in knots around their brinks. 天黑之后,取水都有困难,因为不仅水里有蛇,水源边上也有三五成群的蛇。 - 2
While it operates like a normal coach on the road, when it is in water it is driven by twin water jets and can achieve a speed of eight knots. 在公路上,这辆车能够像一般的巴士那样行驶,一旦下水,两台喷射式发动机就会开始工作,并使大巴在水中的航速达到8海里每小时。 - 3
As the rain fell Friday night, many anniversary celebrants remained in Tercentenary Theatre, clustered in humid knots huddled under their umbrellas. The water fell in gray sheets, as from a waterfall. 由于星期五晚上下雨,许多周年庆典者一直呆在三百年庆典的露天剧场里,以潮 湿的一小群的打着伞挤在一起的形式的群集着.水落在古灰色的板子上,就像从一个瀑布上面下来的.