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1 ?南极冰盖 ... 关键词】: 冰通量 南极冰盖 Lambert冰川—Amery冰架系统 平衡通量分布 [gap=1274]Keywords】: ice flux,Antarctic ice sheet,Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System,balance-flux distribution .. 2 ?东南极冰盖 ...(前身苏联)的一个科学考察站,位于澳洲南极洲领地(Australian Antarctic Territory,AAT)东南极冰盖(Antarctic Ice Sheet)中心,南磁极(South Geomagnetic Pole)附近[查看详情] 东方站 东方站,位于南纬78度28分, 东经106度52分,海拔3600米,是所有南... 3 ?南极冰原 南极冰原 actarctic ice sheet; antarctic ice sheet 南极冰川下湖泊勘探专家组 grouof specialists on subglacial antarctic lake exploration ..
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Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years. 现在,新的证据显示,在过去130万年中,全部的南极冰盖或其中大部分至少都崩塌过一次。 - 2
As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again." 正如加州理工学院的赫尔曼·恩格尔哈特所说,“南极西部冰盖消失过一次,也可能再次消失。” - 3
Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick. 科学家们一致认为,这一情境中的关键推手是南极西部的冰层,这是一块跟巴西(面积)差不多大小的冰原,厚达7000英尺。