释义 |
1 [解剖]?玻璃体膜 ... vitreous structure 释义:玻璃体结构 vitreous membranes 释义:玻璃体膜,脉络膜基底层,角膜后弹性层,角膜后弹力层 vitreous detachment 释义:玻璃体脱离 ... 2 ?硝子体膜 ... 硝子体窝(Hyaloid fossa) 硝子体膜(Vitreous membrane) 硝子体支质(Vitreous stroma) ...
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The complications included iris haemorrhage, slight damage on the surface of IOL and breakup of anterior vitreous membrane, and they had no influence upon the vision. 术后并发症有虹膜出血、IOL表面细小击痕和玻璃体前界膜破裂,均对视力无影响。 - 2
There were no complications such as iritis, IOP rising, breakup of anterior vitreous membrane, cystoid macular edema and retinal detachment 1 week and 1 month postoperatively. 术后1周、1月复查,均未见虹膜炎、眼压升高、玻璃体前界膜破裂、黄斑囊样水肿、视网膜脱离等并发症。 - 3
RESULTS: Incomplete posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) was found in 15 eyes (71.4 %), epiretinal membrane was formed in 7 eyes (33.3 %), and retinal detachment occurred in 4 eyes (19.0 %). 结果:手术中发现15眼(71.4%)出现了不完全性的玻璃体后脱离(PVD),7眼(33.3%)有视网膜前膜形成,4眼(19.0%)发生视网膜脱离。