It has been found that vitamin E can effectively reduce the recurrence of heart disease.
已经发现维生素 E 可以有效地减少心脏病的复发。
When doctors give vitamin E to patients who already have heart disease, the vitamin doesn't seem to help.
当医生给已经患有心脏病的病人服用维生素 E 时,维生素似乎没有什么帮助。
A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their efficacy, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.
最近的一项研究表明,尽管人们普遍相信维生素 E 补充剂的功效,但在延缓退行性疾病发病方面,维生素 E 补充剂并不比糖丸效果更好。