释义 |
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Launched a year ago, Pulse's visually-oriented news reader is now on iPad, iPhone, Android mobile and tablet and Pulse's website. Pulse视觉化新闻阅读器于一年前推出,目前横跨iPad、iPhone、Android手机和平板以及Pulse网站多个平台。 - 2
It's a great system for designers, artists, and visually-oriented programmers, because it's easy to access and control in-game objects visually. 对于设计者,艺术家和一些以视觉为导向的程序员来说,蓝图脚本是一个非常棒的系统,因为我们可以非常方便通过可视化的方式实现和控制游戏物体。 - 3
When I ran an advertising agency, we put enormous efforts into making elaborate, visually oriented slide and flip-chart presentations to sell advertising and marketing concepts. 当我做广告代理的时候,我们付出巨大努力去精心制作一些视觉导向的幻灯片和挂图介绍来卖掉我们的广告和营销概念。