释义 |
1 ?反应减退 ...中英文摘要】 目的 冷热试验(caloric test,CT)是眩晕临床诊疗中不可或缺的检查项目,主要通过单侧反应减退(unilateral weakness,UW)、优势偏向(directionalpreponderance,DP)两个参数评估前庭系统是否存在损伤... 2 ?单侧半规管轻瘫 ...刊-医学外文文献 视觉垂直线偏斜角度、冷热试验优势偏向(directional preponderance,DP)值、单侧半规管轻瘫(unilateral weakness,UW)值为参数,分析总结外周单侧前庭功能减退患者的主观视觉水平线特点,主观视觉水平线、主观视觉垂直线之间及... 3 ?单侧半规管反应减退 以ct单侧半规管反应减退(unilateral weakness,uw)值,摇头眼震(head-shaking nystagmus,hsn)及震动眼震(vibration-... 4 ?单侧软弱 unilateral weakness 单侧软弱 ; 反应减退 ; 单侧半规管反应减退 ; 单侧半规管轻瘫 diaphragmatic weakness 肌无力 ; 膈肌无力 .
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Different countries use different ways to make up for the weakness of shareholder unilateral governance. - 2
Initial symptoms showed seizures in 62 cases, presented unilateral limb weakness progressively in 15 cases, presented increased intracranial pressure symptoms such as headache in 10 cases. 临床上首发症状为癫痫的62例,以进行性一侧肢体无力15例,以头痛等颅内压增高症状为主要表现起病的10例。