释义 |
trouble 英/ ?tr?b(?)l / 美/ ?tr?b(?)l / - 1
经济学 困境 Listed company’s financial trouble forecast is a key concern to the investors ,managers and supervision institutions. 预测上市公司的财务困境己经成为投资者、管理者及证券监管机构所关注的课题。 麻烦
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 故障 GIS is one of the important equipment of power system, its main trouble is inside insulating degradation. GIS是电力系统重要设备之一,其主要故障是内部绝缘劣化。
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交通运输工程 故障 Most faults’ happening seems to be chanciness, in fact the hidden trouble range and its sequence can be found from catenary parameters before its operation. 目前大多数故障的发生看似具有一定的偶然性,其实从其运行前的参数就可以知道故障的隐患范围和可能发生的结果。
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