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1 [生态]?热带疏林 ... tropical scrub 热带灌丛 tropical woodland 热带疏林 tropicopolitan 热带遍生的 ...
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The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has a vegetation consisting of rainforest, woodland, grassland and desert. 国家北部是热带气候,拥有由雨林、草原和沙漠组成的植被。 - 2
World forest Ecosystem includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests as well as other woodland. 世界森林生态系统包括热带、亚热带、温带森林,北方针叶林以及其他有林地。 - 3
The dominant terrestrial vegetation is tropical moist forest grading to subtropical wet forest, with small areas of dry forest and wet elfin woodland on the summits. 玳瑁乌龟在近海岸出没,海面上还能看见鲸鲨和领航鲸的身影。 主要的陆地植物为潮湿热带林和亚热带雨林,在山顶还有一小部分干燥林和高山矮曲林。