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1 ?名字 ... 所属州: MA 名字: Westwater 姓: Robt ...
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It also helped that I really liked my Illinois professors, especially Drickamer and my thesis adviser, Dr. Jim Westwater. 当然还有部分原因是就业形势不太乐观,并且我确实很舍不得伊利诺斯州大学的教授们,特别是德里·卡默博士和毕业论文论文指导员韦斯特沃特博士。 - 2
“The water market has become much more sophisticated in the last two decades,” says Clay Landry, director of WestWater Research, a consulting firm that specializes in water rights. “供水市场在过去二十年变得更加复杂了”,Westwater Research(一家专注于用水权的咨询公司)的主管克莱?兰德里(Clay Landry)说。 - 3
“The water market has become much more sophisticated in the last two decades, ” says Clay Landry, director of WestWater Research, a consulting firm that specializes in water rights. “供水市场在过去二十年变得更加复杂了”,Westwater Research(一家专注于用水权的咨询公司)的主管克莱?兰德里(Clay Landry)说。