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西弗吉尼亚州,西弗吉尼亚州 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
They are found in the Appalachians and West Coast. It is the state flower of two US states, West Virginia and Washington, and is quite common in Great Britain as well. 在阿巴拉契山脉和西海岸都有他们的踪影,他们也是美国西弗吉尼亚和华盛顿两个州的州花,而且在英国也很是常见。 - 2
Brown decided to strike at Harpers Ferry, a small town about one hundred kilometers from Washington. It was part of Virginia at that time, but is now located in the state of West Virginia. 布朗决定进攻哈珀斯镇,这是一座距华盛顿只有一百公里左右的小镇,这个小镇在当时属于维吉尼亚州,现在则属于西维吉尼亚州。 - 3
Those mountains, and the coal that lies beneath them, dominate West Virginia; it is the only state that lies entirely within the Appalachians, and it produces 15% of America’s coal. 那些山脉以及蕴藏在地底的煤矿影响着西弗吉尼亚;它也是唯一一个完全依赖于阿巴拉契亚山脉的州,同时它生产的煤矿量占到美国总数的15%。