释义 |
1 ?城市 ... 地址: 41 Hazel St 城市: West Salem 所属州: OH ...
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George Burt, the former manager of the West Coast Beet Seed Co. in Salem, helped set up this system before he retired. 俄勒冈州塞勒姆的西海岸甜菜种子公司的前经理伯特在退休前帮助建立了这个系统。 - 2
A city of northeast Massachusetts west of Salem. Settled c. 1633 and later called South Danvers, it was renamed after George Peabody in 1868. Population, 47,039. 麻萨诸塞州东北部一城市,位于塞勒姆西面,建于1633年,后来称南丹弗斯,1868年以乔治·皮博迪的名字命名。人口47,039。 - 3
A city of northeast Massachusetts west of Salem. Settled c. '33 and later called South Danvers, it was renamed after George Peabody in 8' 8. Population, 47,039. 马萨诸塞州东北部一城市,位于塞勒姆西面,建于' 33年,后来称南丹弗斯,8 ' 8年以乔治·皮博迪的名字命名。人口47,039。