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1 ?西奥兰治 西奥兰治(West Orange)是美国新泽西州埃塞克斯县的一个镇区,根据美国人口调查局2000年统计,共有人口44,943人,其中白人占67.55%、非裔美国人占17.46%... 2 ?西橙市 新泽西州西橙市(West Orange)是一个不起眼的小城。不临山、不靠水,在新州之外大概没多少人知道这个城市。 3 ?西橘市 家住西橘市(West Orange)的家长唐尼斯(Blanca Palmer Tanis),前往观看女儿Isabella Tanis表演。她表示女儿很爱上人文学校。 4 ?西橘数码 西橘数码 (West Orange)组建于2005年6月,是;
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"The shoes were so gorgeous and unusual, so I immediately asked her where she got them," said Ms. Peart, of West Orange, n.j.. “这些鞋看起来如此漂亮而且与众不同,所以我立即问她是在哪里买的,”来自新泽西州西奥兰治的皮尔特女士说。 - 2
Saturday rolled around, 10 friends showed up, and we started our ride from Mile Marker 0 of the West Orange Trail at 11:30 am. 到了星期六,来了10个朋友;上午11:30我们从西奥兰治小道( West Orange Trail)0公里里程碑开始骑。 - 3
Two teenagersaccidentally run over by a ute as they slept in a swag at a party withold school friends near Orange, west of Sydney, have now both died inhospital. 两青年因与老同学在悉尼西部近奥兰芝的地方聚会,夜晚睡在行囊内露宿路边,被一辆皮卡车碾过,抢救无效,双双死亡。