西密歇根大学:美国的一所公立研究型大学,位于密歇根州卡拉马祖市,是一所州立大学。西密歇根大学由密歇根州州长阿伦·T·比利斯于1903年签署法案而创立,第一任校长是德怀特·瓦尔多,当时的名称是Western State Normal School,曾是一所师范学校。现在学校共包括五个校区。西密歇根大学有全美规模最大的航天专业。
"All humans exposed to radiation suffer harm," professor Janette at the environmental institute at WesternMichiganUniversity in says.
She earned both her bachelor's degree in public relations and master's degree in public administration from WesternMichiganUniversity in 1988 and 1999 respectively.
Copies of all editions of his work published by the Black Sparrow Press are held at WesternMichiganUniversity, which purchased the archive of the publishing house after its closure in 2003.