

单词 woman of the street
woman of the street
  • 简明释义
  • <旧>妓女,站街女
  • 双语例句
  • 1
    In the past year, the pajama-clad men and women of the street have gone from a ubiquitous sight to a rare novelty.
  • 2
    Having risen before dawn to join the daily ritual of Tak Bat, when the women of this ancient town in Laos give rice to Buddhist monks as they file along the street, I am wilting, too.
    我感到精神萎靡——为了参加每日的布施仪式,我黎明前就起床了。 在老挝这个古老的市镇,妇女们每天早上要向街上排队走过的和尚们分发米饭。
  • 3
    A small group of workers, on their way from the institute to the bus stop across the street, passed the pair of men; two women looked back at them and then talked in whispers to the group.




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