释义 |
- 狼头:指狼的头部,常用于形容狼的形象或象征狼的特征。
- 1
He aimed a great blow, and struck the wolf on the head, and killed him on the spot! - 2
There she was, sitting on her heels, toes dug firmly in the sand, and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf. 贝基就在那儿, 坐在脚跟上, 脚趾牢牢地插在砂子里, 她膝上的是确确实实一只狼的头。 - 3
A wolf, it is said- but here the tale has surely lapsed into the improbable- came up, and smelt of Pearl's robe, and offered his savage head to be patted by her hand. 据说——故事叙述到这里确实有些荒唐了——,还有一只狼走上前来,嗅了嗅珠儿的衣服,还把它那野兽的头仰起来让她拍拍。