释义 |
1 ?狼鱼 ... wiz奇才、能手 wolffish狼鱼 wolver猎狼者 ...
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The sinister-looking Atlantic wolffish makes its home in the rocky coastal depths up to 1, 600 feet (500 meters) below. 外表凶恶的大西洋狼鱼穴居在1600英尺(500米)以下的海岸深处。 - 2
An orthodontist's dream, an Atlantic wolffish displays the hardware it uses to crush mollusks, shellfish, and sea urchins. 牙齿矫正医师的梦想,太平洋狼鱼炫耀着它用以收拾软体动物,贝壳和海胆的装备。 - 3
Reaching 5 feet (1.5 meters) long, wolffish have conspicuous dentition suited to a diet of hard-shelled mollusks, crabs, and sea urchins. 体长最多可达5英尺(1.5米)的狼鱼有着明显的齿系以适应由裹着硬壳的软体动物,蟹类以及海胆组成的食谱。