释义 |
1 ?视觉标准 ... vertical alignment 纵断面 Visual Criteria 视觉标准 walks 步辇儿门路 ...
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There are many ways of comparing Eclipse with Visual Studio. One can compare the user interface (UI), architecture, cost, manageability, and many other criteria. 比较 Eclipse 和 Visual Studio 有很多途径,可以比较用户界面(UI)、体系结构、成本、可管理性和其他诸多标准。 - 2
Then it discusses general criteria for choosing a subject, such as originality, human interest, sentiment, informative content, universality of problems and visual potential of the topic. 以及选择拍摄对象时应考虑的一些普遍标准如新鲜性、接近性、人情味、信息量、问题的普遍性和对象的可拍性。 - 3
The hit test filter callback method is invoked for all the visual objects that map to the hit test criteria, starting from the visual you specify and descending through its branch of the visual tree. 会为映射到命中测试条件的所有可视对象调用命中测试筛选器回调方法,从您指定的可视对象开始,一直向下延伸到可视化树的分支。