释义 |
1 ?外露混凝土 ... 外贸赤字:Adverse balance of trade 外露混凝土:visual concrete 外露管道:open piping ...
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In the garden, the remnants of the concrete outbuilding add visual interest to an otherwise nondescript space. 花园里,混凝土仓库的残留物为其他难以形容的空间增加了视觉乐趣。 - 2
Direct appeal to the audience the visual sense to intuitive, concrete, distinct image convey meaning, have strong artistic appeal. 直接诉诸观众的视觉感官,以直观的、具体的、鲜明的形象传达含义,具有强烈的感染力。 - 3
At the same time, the predominance of concrete generates a visual unity amongst the blocks, stone, and timber, granting a natural touch of warmth and ruggedness. 同时,主导的混凝土在建筑块、石材和木材之中产生视觉上的统一,给予建筑温暖和坚固的自然格调。