释义 |
1 ?视觉调节 荧光灯频闪对视觉调节机能的影响_医网打尽文献搜索 关键词】 荧光灯;频闪;视觉调节 [gap=1799]Key words】 Fluorescent light;Flicker;Visual accommodation 2 ?眼的调节 ... 折射率为 1.333,曲率半径为 5nm,节点 (n,光心 )在角膜后方 5mm 眼的调节 visual accommodation 睫短 N ... 3 [生理]?视调节 ... 视(觉)翻正反射 optical-righting reflex 视调节 visual accommodation 视见度 visibility ...
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Conclusion the flickering light source may lead to the change of visual accommodation and cause the asthenopia. 结论荧光灯频闪可以使眼的调节机能发生变化,引起视觉疲劳。 - 2
Such early deficits in spatial vision may underlie early deficits in other visual capabilities such as accommodation, convergence, and stereopsis. 空间视觉的这种早期缺陷可能造成其它视觉能力的早期缺陷,如调节、辐合和立体视觉的缺陷。 - 3
Proof reading speed, eye accommodation and convergence time, and subjective visual comfort were employed as indexes. 以核读速度、眼肌调节辐合时间和主观舒适性为测评指标。