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计算机科学技术 视觉 The sense of vision is a human basic intelligence. 视觉是人类的基本智能。 视景 In this dissertation, the vision synthesis technology has been studied for the remote driving of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). 本文以地面无人车辆(UGV)的遥控驾驶为背景,对驾驶视景合成技术进行了研究。 视域
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文学 视野 The culture field of vision is a new domain of ancient literature research . 文化视野是古代文学研究的新领域。 视觉 Layout as newspapers and periodicals carrier and form of expression of content, its main function is to assist information transmission in form that the vision transmits. 作为报刊内容载体和表现形式的版面,主要功能是以视觉传达的形式辅助信息的传递。
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经济学 愿景 Introduce company mission, vision and values; followed by business composition and global market distribution. 本章介绍了M公司的使命、愿景及价值观,随后说明了公司业务构成以及全球市场构成,最后重点介绍M公司在中国的发展及经营现状。 设想 The vision on future development of the international monetary system. 4.对国际货币体系未来发展的设想。 形 Accordingly, the dissertation takes advertising image as its subject, expatiating the compound of vision and artistic concept and discussing the strategy of image composing. 因此,本文以广告意象为研究对象,阐述其形、意构成及建构方法。
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 视图 This is meaningful for night vision technology.4. A night vision image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform is put forward in this dissertation. 针对微光图像与红外图像的特点,提出了一种基于小波变换的夜视图像融合算法,在小波变换域用基于对比度概念的融合算法对微光图像与激光助视图像、微光图像与红外图像进行了融合处理。 视觉
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Not content with that, he visioned an empire with Mexico as its basis, actually led a revolt that carried all before it—until one day he lost his talisman. 他大肆的为自己规划了一副愿景,只是想展示一下自己究竟能做什么。