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酸性氨基酸, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The acidic amino acid content of the enzyme was 17.29%, alkaline amino acid 4.50% and neutral amino acid 38.50%, and others were nonpolar amino acids. 该酶的氨基酸组成为:中极性酸性氨基酸占17.29%,极性碱性氨基酸占4.50%,极性中性氨基酸占38.50%,其它为非极性氨基酸; - 2
In the preparation of amino acids through acidic hydrolysis of proteins, high concentration of salt is introduced into the hydrolysate when the residual acid is neutralized. 在用蛋白质酸性水解制备氨基酸时,因中和残留的酸会使水解液中带入大量的盐。 - 3
L - aspartic acid is a non - essential, acidic, genetically coded amino acid. Found especially in young sugar cane and sugar - beet molasses. 天冬氨酸是一种非必需的酸性氨基酸,尤指从小的甘蔗和甜菜的糖蜜中提取的。