释义 |
- 水力纺织机:一种18世纪由英国发明家理查德·阿克赖特发明的纺纱机器,利用水力驱动,大大提高了纺纱效率。
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To many, the Potomac, the water that frames the nation's capital, is a witness and carrier of history. 对许多人来说,波拖马可河,这条流经首都的河,见证并承载了历史。 - 2
Instead of rotting, the wood frames of houses may be preserved like the timbers of Spanish galleons wherever rising seas pickle them in salt water. 房屋的木制结构会像西班牙大型战舰上的木材一样,上升的海面将它们浸泡在盐水中,受到了保存,而非腐蚀。 - 3
In particular, wood floors, wooden walls and door frames, such as wood, once the infiltration of water, it will be because of the tide and discoloration, mildew, insects, until it can not be used. 分外是木地板、木质墙线和门框等木料部分,一旦渗入水分(建网站多少钱),就会因潮而变色、发霉、生虫,直至无法使用。