释义 |
1 ?鬼火 ... misapprehension 误解 will-o'-the-wisp 鬼火 misbelief 错误的信仰 ...
- 1
An on all sides one utter darkness of grave, occasionally have what time the will-o'-the-wisp flash across, and the all directionses all have the breeze of. 坟场四周一片漆黑,偶尔有几点鬼火闪过,而且四面八方都有阴风吹来,冷得加沙打了好几个喷嚏。 - 2
With only a few hundred dollars on hand, travelling around the world is a will-o '-the-wisp. - 3
Inzaghi, that wonderful will 'o the wisp character, was snuffed out by Senderos while Pato, such a disappointment in the first leg, again left Wenger wondering what all the fuss is about. 因扎吉,这位天生的杀手在第一回合被森德罗斯盯死了;帕托,在第一回合失魂落魄的他再一次碌碌无为。
1Will,人名,William 昵称,wisp,火把,比喻用法。代指过去人们无法理解的鬼火,磷火,后比喻虚无之物,镜花水月之物。 |