Montgomery County General District Court Judge Gino Williams delayed a ruling to review the case further.
蒙哥马利郡地方法院法官 Gino Williams 延迟了审判以进一步分析案情。
It had been a quiet day for Habersham County emergency dispatcher Deborah Williams.
The two boys, ages one and two, were found in a car submerged in a river in South Carolina on Monday, Orangeburg County Sheriff Larry Williams said in a news conference Tuesday.
这两个男孩分别仅有1岁和2岁,他们于周一早晨,在南卡罗琳娜的河流中,被发现溺毙于一辆被淹没的汽车内。奥克兰县的治安官Sheriff Larry Williams在周二的新闻发布会上公布了这一消息。