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野生迷迭香 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The drink, which is consumed several times a day, contains a variety of dried herbs including wild mint, rosemary, purple sage and spleenwort. 他们一天喝几次这种饮料,其中含有各种干草药,包括野薄荷、迷迭香、紫鼠尾草和铁角凤尾草。 - 2
Made with white and wild rice, onion, celery, and a hint of rosemary. 鸡肉米饭汤,里面有白米和野生稻米,洋葱、芹和少许迷迭香。 - 3
"This is just rosemary extract," I complained to my husband. "I can't believe I spent all that money for something that I have growing like wild in the yard!" 我向老公抱怨:“这只是从迷迭香中提取的,我不能相信将所有的钱花在了自己长得象后院中的野草一样的东西上面。”