释义 |
1 ?大老粗 单看他的部分访谈就足以让你捧腹大笑,是个蛮讨我喜欢的棋坛大老粗(Uneducated person)。他之所以直指李宇春,无非是为了三大好看——自己的面子,他人(Others)的面子,中国体育的面子。
- 1
I don't want to know such an uneducated person as you. - 2
The uneducated person, on the other hand, is probably unable to do something, or does it badly. 另一方面,未受教育的人可能就做不成什么事,或做得很糟。 - 3
The uneducated person, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly.