释义 |
- 无向边:在图论中,表示两个顶点之间的连接关系,且这种关系是双向的,没有方向性。
1 ?无向棱 ... undirected edge 无向边; 无向棱 undirected flow 非定向流 undirected line 无向直线 ... 2 [数]?无向边 带方向的边叫有向边(directed edge),而不带方向的边 叫无向边(undirected edge)。对无向边来说,(i,j)和(j,i) 是一样的;而对有向边来说,它们是不同的。
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In the cycle packing problem, given an undirected connected graph g, it is required to find the maximum number of pairwise edge disjoint cycles in g. 给定一个无向连通图g,圈包装问题就是求g的边不相交圈的最大数目。 - 2
Besides, the compression mechanism of Dynamic Bit Vector (DBV) was used to store the edge weights in undirected graph to improve the spatial storage efficiency of the algorithm. 此外,采用一种动态位向量(DBV)的压缩机制对无向图中边的权重进行压缩存储,以有效地提高算法的空间存储效率。 - 3
Even on the form to input an undirected graph edge, the establishment of the adjacency matrix to determine whether the connectivity graph (a). 以偶对的形式输入一个无向简单图的边,建立该图的邻接矩阵,判断图是否连通(A)。