释义 |
1 ?中华鳖 中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)(俗称鳖、甲鱼、团鱼等)是水产养殖中的一种名特优品种,在江西省已有较长的养殖历史,规模较大,但随着人工养殖规模的扩大和养殖密度... 2 ?与甲鱼 ...停止; 4~10月,为快速增长期,平均日增重为0·36 g,达到50 g以上时,生长速度明显加快,平均日增重达0·43 g,与甲鱼(Trionyx sinensis)的生长规律相似[6]。从图5的周年生长还可以看出,一年中,6月初至9月底为黄喉拟水龟的最快生长期,此时也为全年最高温时期。 3 4
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The methods were applied to study the face of tunica mucosa of the Trionyx sinensis. - 2
The gonadal development of Chinese turtle, Trionyx sinensis, cultured in hothouse was investigated. - 3
By means of microscopic examination and observation on spawning activities, the gonadal development of Chinese turtle , Trionyx sinensis, cultured in hothouse was investigated. 采用性腺组织切片观察与繁殖行为观测相结合的方法,对温室养殖中华鳖的性腺发育进行研究。