释义 |
特立尼达拉岛,我。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In Trinidad, I proposed an Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas. - 2
I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck to honor his homeland of Trinidad, or a picture or heirloom. 比起我脖子上佩戴的那个纪念他的故乡特立尼达的蜂鸟链坠,或者一张照片,一个传家宝,写作可以让我更得宜有力地继承他那些激动人心的遗产。 - 3
My dear, where are you, the moon send Acacia Trinidad ah, I want you there must have good, otherwise I will not. 亲爱的,你在那里,明月千里寄相思啊,我想你在那边一定要过的好,不然我会不安的。