释义 |
1 ?偏三甲苯 -6。 中文名称:偏三甲苯英文名称:1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene中文别名:1,2,4-三甲苯CASRN.:95-...... 批发: 芳香烃 大量供应(桶装/散水):二甲苯/质优价廉/首选合汇 价格: 7600.0 2 ?三甲基苯 ...(乙烷),Ethanol(乙醇),Ethene(乙),Isoprene(异戊二),Naphthalene(萘),Phenol(苯乙),Styrene (苯乙),Trimethylbenzene (三甲基苯)等 应用范围 3 ?连三甲苯 ...3-8 中文名称:连三甲苯中文别名:1,2,3-三甲基苯CAS登录号:526-73-8英文名称:1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene分子式..
- 1
The factors influencing the usage of bottom oil of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene tower were analyzed. - 2
Different pore size were adjusted by adding 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene (TMB) as assistant agent. 加入不同量的1,3,5 -三甲基苯(TMB)辅助剂来调整膜的孔径。 - 3
Taking trimethylbenzene precise distillation for example, a new heat integration technology for energy saving was put forward. 以三甲苯精密精馏过程为实施案例,对多塔分离过程提出了热集成节能工艺。