西邓巴顿郡(West Dunbartonshire),是英国苏格兰的32个一级行政区之一。地处最大城市格拉斯哥西郊,人口密集,面积则是苏格兰行政区中除邓迪市外最小的。
吊机坐落于英国西丹巴顿郡(West Dunbartonshire)的克莱德班克镇(Clydebank)的皇后码头(Queens Quay),约翰·布朗船厂(John Brown shipyard)的西侧,这个地区是苏格兰和英国...
西邓巴顿(West Dunbartonshire)议会区为其南岸,而其南岸和西岸则被邓巴顿历史郡1包围。长约39公里(24哩),呈三角形。
Glasgow was found to be affected most, followed by Inverclyde, Dundee and West Dunbartonshire.
BBC: Scots economy 'to lose ?1.6bn' through welfare cuts
Then on Thursday, the West Dunbartonshire MP was able to add the prime minister to the list.
BBC: Banking bosses head for a McFall
The wall runs 37 miles from Bo'ness to Old Kilpatrick in West Dunbartonshire.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Roman museum set to be improved