释义 |
1 ?闪烁不定 ... 闪点 flash point ;flashing point 闪烁不定 go in and out ;gone in and out ;went in and out 闪烁扫描仪 scintiscanner ...
- 1
All the day, the stubborn boy went in and out of many stores, asking the same question, but each time he was refused. 这个倔强的男孩一整天进出了许多商店,问同样的问题,但每次他被拒绝了。 - 2
We waited for hours for the scene to be shot, and then went in and out of the building about fifty times, trying to act terrified by an explosion which was not real. 我们等了几个小时才开拍,然后在大楼里进进出出了大约五十次,试图表现出被爆炸吓坏的样子,尽管这场爆炸不是真的。 - 3
Never mind that tastes changed over his long career so that he went in and out of fashion, and finally in again, the art market eventually making him a very rich man. 但是纵观他漫长的职业生涯,艺术评论的审美口味何尝不是几经变迁,而他,则在其中几进几出,并最终以“进”的姿态而告终。