释义 |
1 ?隔日交割 Ⅱ 隔日交割(Value Tomorrow / VAL TOM): “T+1” 成交后的第一个营业日交割。 2 ?次日交割 ...宫开舞_新浪博客 ;第二、当日交割( value today,VAL TOD) ,即外汇银行成交当日即为交割日;第三,次日交割( value tomorrow ,VAL TOM) .即外汇银行成交日后第一个营业日为交割日。 3 ?翌日交割 即日交割(Value Today, VAL TOD) 翌日交割(Value Tomorrow, VAL TOM ) 第二个营业日交割(Value Spot, VAL SP),即期交割日 VAL TOD VAL TO...
- 1
Normally it makes sense to choose a greater amount of money immediately than less in the future, as the value of a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow. 对于立即兑现且数额更多的资金以及尚需等待且数额更少的资金,通常人们会选择前者,这是有道理的。因为今天的美元比明天更值钱。 - 2
That means that if everyone who owned a CDS on Greek debt settled their contracts tomorrow, a shrinking amount of money would change hands than the face value of all the contracts. 这意味着如果明天所有持有希腊债券CDS的投资者都对合同进行结算,易手金额将低于所有合同的面值之和。 - 3
Is most worthy of being highly treasure the value of each and every day, grasp today, grasp tomorrow, welcome the first ray of sunshine every day. 最值得高度珍惜的莫过于每一天的价值,把握住今天把握住明天,迎来每天的第一缕阳光。