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华盛顿特区 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The address is 2025 M Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20036. 地址是华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,华盛顿西北,M街2025号,邮编20036。 - 2
Recent polls by the Pew Research Centre in Washington, DC, found that 75-80 percent of participants regarded climate change as an important issue. 华盛顿皮尤研究中心最近的民意调查发现,75%至80%的参与者认为气候变化是一个重要问题。 - 3
If the bill makes its way through Washington, DC, after years of deliberation and lobbying, that could further dent Blackstone's profits and share price. 如果该议案经过数年的审议和游说之后在华盛顿获得通过的话,那有可能进一步削弱黑石集团的利润和股价。