释义 |
1 ?免烫 免烫的(wash and wear), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?快干的 ... wash water valve 排污阀 wash and wear adj. 免烫的;快干的 sand wash 砂洗;冲砂;砂堆积 ... 3 ?洗可穿 ...言 五十年代初,人们试备利用环氧化合物整理纤维织物,以期改善和提高织物的防绉、防缩、染色、刷洗坚牢度及洗可穿(Wash and Wear)性能,获得了有成效的进展。采用较多的通常是多元醇类的缩水甘油醚。 4 ?易打理 Quant的模特儿首创「易打理(Wash and Wear)形象, 蜚声国际,晋身为流行文化及时尚的先驱。
- 1
His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. - 2
After the silk fabric was finished, the property of wash and wear was improved, and handle, whiteness, tensile strength and colour had no change. 真丝织物经整理后,洗可穿性能获得改善,且手感柔软,强力、白度及色光变化不大。 - 3
At the same time, we'd better wear masks and often wash our hands.