释义 |
1 ?华威商学院 ...的一名客户经理。当巴洛赫考虑去美国攻读一个全日制MBA学位时,公司提出资助他在英国攻读一个EMBA项目,从而让他可以边工作边学习。于是,巴洛赫便选择了英国着名的华威商学院(Warwick Business School)的EMBA项目。英国电信的这一招成功让它的得力干将留了下来。 2 ?英国华威商学院 ... 西班牙企业学院(IE Business School) 英国华威商学院(Warwick Business School) 瑞士圣加仑大学(University of St Gallen) ...
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"I gained the knowledge in strategy and marketing that I needed to change industries," said one graduate from Warwick Business School. “我得到了改变行业所必需的策略和营销知识,”华威商学院(Warwick Business School)的一名毕业生称。 - 2
Andrew J.Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School in England, who has published several studies on human happiness, called the findings important and, in some ways, heartening. 英国沃里克大学商学院的心理学教授安德鲁j奥斯瓦德,他曾经发表过几篇关于人类幸福的研究,他称这是个很重要的发现,甚至在某种程度上是很振奋人心的。 - 3
Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School in England, who has published several studies on human happiness, called the findings important and, in some ways, heartening. 英国沃里克大学商学院的心理学教授安德鲁j奥斯瓦德,他曾经发表过几篇关于人类幸福的研究,他称这是个很重要的发现,甚至在某种程度上是很振奋人心的。