释义 |
阳金 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Yang Jin was born in 1982 in Shanxi, China. - 2
Yang Yang, 32 Jin Yuan Xiang, Wu Hou Qu; (86-28) 8523-1394. A meal for two, without drinks or tip, is about 150 renminbi. 杨杨餐厅,武侯区锦苑巷32号,电话(86-28) 8523-1394。两人就餐约需150人民币(不含酒水和小费)。 - 3
One day is the games, Yang Youqi invites me, the Jin Yuqian and his younger brother goes to Yang Youqi to play, because my initiation toy are few, spells very is also small. 有一天是运动会,杨友琦邀请我、金羽千和他弟弟去杨友琦家玩,由于我的启蒙玩具少,拼得也就很小。