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1 [生化]?紫黄质 素中的紫黄质(Violaxanthin)转变为玉米黄质(Zeaxanthin) (Demmig-Adams, 1990; Gilmore, 1997),同时把过多的能量传递给玉米黄质。 2 ?紫黄素 ;紫黄素(Violaxanthin):is a natural [[xanthophyll]] [[pigment]] with an orange color found in a variety of plants including [[pansy|pansies]]. 3 ?堇黄质 还含胡萝卜类色素,如β-胡萝卜素(β-carcotene),隐黄质(cryptoxanthin),叶黄素(lutein),堇黄质(violaxanthin)及新黄质(neoxanthin),并含维生素A。 4 ?黄质 ...中扮演重要角色[1],并参与了高等植物的叶黄素循环,催化玉米黄质(Zeaxanthin)向花药黄质(Anthraxanthin)和堇菜黄质(Violaxanthin)的转化,确保植物在较低光照条件下能顺利地进行光合作用[2]。最近在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thalia
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The chloroplast envelope has the light yellow color of violaxanthin. - 2
The xanthophylls cycle refers to the conversion among zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin and violaxanthin, which plays a significant role in plant photoprotection process. 叶黄素循环是指玉米黄质、花药黄质和紫黄质类之间的相互转换,它在高等植物光保护过程中发挥了重要作用。 - 3
Besides, chlorophyll content, soluble protein, thylakoid membrane lipids fatty acid instauration and activity of Violaxanthin de-epoxidase(VDE)were all decreased with the progress of senescence. 叶绿素,可溶性蛋白,类囊体膜脂脂肪酸不饱和度和紫黄质脱环氧化酶(VDE)蛋白量在衰老过程中逐渐下降。